Man, the one thing I really hate about having to work (nevermind how much I LOATHE working for the NHS Lothians)  is that it seriously cramps my knitting time.   I started out with the firm belief that it would take me no more than 2 and a half weeks to finish my Worsted weight jumper, but then, after 2 weeks of 13 hour days (and one more week to go!) I have only had time to shower, eat, and sleep.

Which is why I felt I deserved some goodies.  Thanks to the power of the interwebs, I ordered myself Vouge’s Stitchionary 2- Cables and …..labels.  I know, uber nerd.

The book was the first to arrive.  I’ve recently become VERY into cables and would like to start maybe designing some of my own mittens, bags, and maybe hats with some of the simpler cable patterns inside.   So the day it arrived was a very good day.

I also felt inclined to order some clothing labels ever since I saw the ones they have in Jenners that read Hand Knit With Love.   I asked if they sold them and they said they came with Patrons’ sample garments but could sell me some ghetto looking white tape that I could write on myself.  So I bought the tape and then realised my handwriting looks like that of the 7 year old child with Parkinson’s.

I got home from work today to find these:

Now, I’m not a cat person. At all. But when I asked My Honey which label icon he liked the best, he immediately said ‘Get the kitty!’ because one of the many pet names he calls me is Little Kitty.   So now I got a Little Kitty label.


Thursday is knit night at the fabulous K1 yarn shop in Edinburgh.  And let’s face it- I was honestly knackered, but really wanted to go since I hadn’t been in ages. Also, I was getting paid for my first week of temp work the following day…Me + Paycheck+ Yarn Shop = no food for a week.   But the rich, lovely blue of this hand dyed Fingering weight was calling to me all night.

I already knew I had to buy yarn for a christmas pressie for my granny, but I didn’t have any other plans for indulgent wool.

The flash just doesnt do justice to the lovely colours!

The flash just doesn't do justice to the lovely colours!

Of course, upon seeing the blue, I also couldn’t resist abandoning it’s red friend.   I have plans on using both to make wonderful lacy shawls from.  The blue one I want to use on what I hope is going to be a future pattern release from Ysolda’s Whimsicle Little Knits 2. But no immediate plans for the red on yet.  Most likely an Ishbel since I am pretty obsessed withYsolda’s dainty and feminine designs.

But that’s not all! So in addition to new yarn, new labels, and a new book, I also have a NEW JUMPER!

This is my second Wicked, this time in worsted Knit Picks Andean Silk, a blend of 59% superfine alpaca, 23% silk, and 22% Merino Wool.

Whew! I also finshed  some birthday stuff for my mom, but won’t post that until after October 15 (just to make sure I don’t post stuff on here before the mail is actually delivered to the boonies).  This week I would love to get a good head start on my granny’s x-mas pressie and mybe start another pressis for my mom.  Then next weekend is the Mitten Express, where I will be using all 7 hours I have on the train (Edinburgh to Birmingham, Birmingham to Surbion for £15 each way!) to knit as many mittens as possible for friend pressies.

And of course, I’ve dedicated October to making Owls!